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Automation Is The Future Of Warehousing

Automation Is The Future Of Warehousing

According to Forbes, “Warehouse automation is expected to become an increasingly desirable option to the manual alternative over the next few years. But that doesn’t directly indicate a high likelihood of investment in these technologies. However, when asked about the likelihood of warehouse automation investment over the next three years, 60 percent of respondents indicated it was “very likely” while an additional 19 percent considered it “likely” (the remainder chose “somewhat likely” or “not at all likely”). So broad-based investment activity is expected as well. The next logical question is “Why is warehouse automation being viewed in such a positive light?” Our findings indicate that changes in the operating environment; such as labor costs, labor shortages, and increased throughput requirements; are the primary influential factors. Meanwhile, our findings also suggest that advancements in automation, such as lower costs and scalability improvements, are supporting factors.”  For the full article, visit Forbes.